by Amie | Apr 7, 2015 | Stress, Wholistic Wellbeing, Yoga
If you’re anything like me, you juggle long days at work, family and friends (and maybe kids?!), all those fun grown-up responsibilities and trying to find some time and space for yourself amongst all of that. Sometimes, when I get home from a particularly big...
by Amie | Jan 1, 2015 | Exercise, Healthy Apps, Travel, Wholistic Wellbeing
I really want to share with you one of my all-time favourite apps, Yoga Studio, because it quite honestly has changed my life. I use it almost everyday and I love it because: it doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie with no yoga experience at...
by Amie | Sep 9, 2014 | Energy, Wholistic Wellbeing
One thing I consistently hear from clients is they feel tired all the time. For some it’s waking up feeling groggy and taking a few hours (and a few coffees) before they reach full speed, for others it’s hitting the wall at 3pm and struggling all the way...
by Amie | Jul 3, 2013 | Healthy Ageing, Meditation, Wholistic Wellbeing
If you were to eavesdrop on the conversations taking place around you, stress would likely be one of the most common words you would hear. People talk about feeling stressed about their work, the economy, global politics, deadlines, their relationships, and just about...