After Work Yoga Poses

After Work Yoga Poses

If you’re anything like me, you juggle long days at work, family and friends (and maybe kids?!), all those fun grown-up responsibilities and trying to find some time and space for yourself amongst all of that. Sometimes, when I get home from a particularly big...
Boost Your Happiness in 6 Simple Steps!

Boost Your Happiness in 6 Simple Steps!

Gabrielle Bernstein is a life coach, author and all-round spiritual gangster of self-love. Bernstein has written three books including Spirit Junkie and teaches a practical application of self-love, forgiveness, and a holistic approach to spirituality (primarily from...
7 Tips For More Energy, Instantly!

7 Tips For More Energy, Instantly!

One thing I consistently hear from clients is they feel tired all the time. For some it’s waking up feeling groggy and taking a few hours (and a few coffees) before they reach full speed, for others it’s hitting the wall at 3pm and struggling all the way...