What The Naturopath Said
My health and wellbeing blog - get my thoughts, how-tos, recipes and tips!Sugar Causes Brain Damage
A poor diet is not good for your body, or your brain. Added sugar is one of the single greatest dietary problems we face, not only because sugar is added to so many things but because it's so addictive we can get hooked on it and actively seek it out! A new study...
Lower Your Risk of Stroke…. With a Cuppa!
Who'd have thought that a humble cup of tea could provide such powerful benefits? Of course its famous cousin Green Tea has had plenty of press, but regular old black tea...? Well, according to researchers, black tea is pretty powerful stuff too! Lenore Arab and her...
Cancer Prevention Guidelines
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) have established guidelines that they say could significantly reduce the risk of dying prematurely. The results of a study described in the American Journal of Clinical...
Preserve and Protect Your Brain with Fish Oil
Fish oil is the biggest selling nutraceutical supplement in the world, and for good reason. There is an incredible amount of evidence for its health benefits and, given omega-3 fatty acids are an essential component of every single one of our cells' membranes, it's no...
Healthy Reasons to Eat Chocolate. Yes. CHOCOLATE!
Chocolate Lovers Rejoice Good news for all the chocolate lovers out there (including this one!), new research has found this divine food has even more health boosting advantages than previously recognised. Not only does it enhance both cardiovascular and mental...
Breakfast in a Cup – The Green Smoothie
So over summer I've switched up my brekkie routine somewhat. Along with my regular Whey Less smoothies, I've been enjoying green smoothies as well! If you haven't tried a green smoothie yet, I highly recommend you do! It's a great way to get extra fruit and veg into...
A Brand New Start – NY Resolutions
Happy New Year Everybody!! I just love the fresh, vibrant new energy that the beginning of a shiny New Year brings. The dawn of 2014 was particularly special as January 1st also coincided with the New Moon - the ideal moon phase for new beginnings. A New Year gives us...
Stress Transformation; 7 Tips from Deepak Chopra
If you were to eavesdrop on the conversations taking place around you, stress would likely be one of the most common words you would hear. People talk about feeling stressed about their work, the economy, global politics, deadlines, their relationships, and just about...
Want Diabetes..? Have a Sugary Drink!
One sugar-sweetened soft drink a day can increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22 percent, researchers in Britain say. Dr. Dora Romaguera of Imperial College London and researchers from the InterAct consortium analysed the consumption of juices,...
Avoid Unhealthy Snacking with a Protein-rich Brekkie!
A protein-rich breakfast can significantly improve appetite control and help to reduce unhealthy snacking in the evening, new research says. Eating a breakfast rich in protein significantly improves appetite control and reduces unhealthy snacking on high-fat or...
Travelling Tips; Wellness Away From Home
Travelling Is Fun! Whether you're going near or far, for work or for pleasure - there's always a new adventure to be had. But with this break from your routine, and being away from home and all its comforts, you can lose some of the daily healthy habits and rituals...
Healthy Holidays – Your Survival Guide
It’s the holiday season. I'm pretty sure that many of you are going to party a little bit, and no, I'm not going to try to discourage it. During this time of year, many of us break from our routines somewhat, drink a little (more) alcohol, eat a lot of food, and even...
Protein Supplements Boost Muscle Mass in Young and Old
A meta-analysis of 22 clinical trials shows that protein supplements are effective for boosting muscle mass and strength gains during resistance exercise in both younger and older subjects. Data from 680 individuals revealed that protein supplementation was associated...
Omega 3 Improves Your Memory
The journal PLOS One published an article on October 3, 2012 that reveals a benefit for supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids on working memory in young men and women. University of Pittsburgh researchers led by Rajesh Narendran of the Department of Radiology...
Exercise may Protect against Future Emotional Stress
Moderate exercise may help people cope with anxiety and stress for an extended period of time post-workout, according to a study by kinesiology researchers in the University of Maryland School of Public Health published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports...
Breakfast in a Cup
Frozen Raspberry Vanilla Frappe For quite some time I have been obsessed with my Banana, Cinnamon and Oat Smoothie and I've found it hard to choose something else for brekkie but this morning I got up and the last banana was beyond brown and I had to go for something...
Easiest Weight Loss Tip Ever… Get a Good Nights Sleep
Not all Calories are Created Equal
Reducing refined carbohydrates may help maintain weight loss better than reducing fat A new study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association challenges the notion that "a calorie is a calorie." The study, led by Cara Ebbeling, Ph.D., associate...
Sugar is Bad for Your Brain
The September 4, 2012 issue of the journal Neurology® published the finding of Australian researchers of an association between high normal plasma glucose levels and a decrease in brain volume in non-diabetic men and women. Although research has established an...
Snooze Yourself Slim!
New research shows more evidence that our busy lifestyles are contributing to our expanding waistlines. Research by Sweden’s Uppsala University researchers published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, uncovered a specific brain region that...
5 Life Commandments
There comes a time in each of our lives when we come face to face with our own mortality. Be it through the development of illness or injury in ourselves or in the ones we care about, or the loss of someone we love - we all arrive at a point where we realise we're...
Read more“Food is the most widely abused drug, and exercise is the most potent yet under-utilised antidepressant”
~ Bill Phillips
Thoughts on Wellbeing
"Food is the most widely abused drug, and exercise is the most potent yet under-utilised antidepressant" ~ Bill Phillips
5 Tips for a Healthy Back
Treatment of low back pain has undergone a recent sea change. Experts now appreciate the central role of exercise and the importance of maintaining a healthy back. They also better understand which conditions surgery will help and which patients are good surgical...
Proper Sunglasses can offer Safety and Style
Sunglasses are a must-have fashion accessory for many during the summer, but having the right ones can be beneficial to your health. Sunglasses are crucial to protecting the health of one's eyes and the delicate, surrounding tissue from damage due to the same harmful...
Dissolve a Headache With Water
Drinking Water may Dissolve a Headache Drinking water should be considered as a first line intervention for chronic headaches, researchers in Holland suggest. Their study compared two groups of patients with recurring headaches who consumed less than 2.5 litres of...
Everyone is Entitled to an Education
I am so very, very grateful to have been born into a wonderful family and been given ample opportunity to Get an education Be in a position where I can use it It is a tragedy that over 1.3 billion people suffer in extreme poverty including hunger, malnutrition and...
Germ Juice
‘tis the season for the sniffles and sneezes and, whilst there are loads of nutrients and herbs that can help you through the winter months, I’d like to share one of my favourite winter staples to feeling better quickly when I’m under the weather. This little gem of a...
Infused Water {homemade}
For those who struggle to drink enough water, I recommend this. It's a beautiful way to keep hydrated!!
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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
~ Hippocrates
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates
Sugary Drinks can Change Muscles in a Month!
Sugary drinks lead to alterations in muscles similar to those in people with obesity problems and type 2 diabetes, researchers in Britain said. Dr. Hans-Peter Kubis of Bangor University in England said the research showed regularly drinking soft drinks changed the...